founded in
samples and embroidered garments
The company Archive is made up of over 150,000 samples and embroidered garments from the seventies to today and contains and preserves the know-how of over forty years of activity.

Consultancy and personalized research This historical heritage allows us to develop research and selections of embroidery techniques studied on the stylistic and sectoral needs of each client.

From the input received from the customer, our team interprets the inspiration preparing for you a wide range of embroidered techniques from which you can select the samples of interest to receive for viewing.
Development of new embroidery techniques
The research delves into the application possibilities of embroidery, to create new designs and embroidery techniques customized to the customer's request.

Come and visit our Archive
Do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment on site or near you, and\or to request a personalized embroidered selection in vision.

During the visit you can also carry out research using the wide range designs, trade magazines, and embroidery techniques from the 50s to today, that we put at your disposal with the support of our specialized team.